
Women in the financial advisory industry

In the Financial advisory industry, men outnumber women not only in terms of the number of financial advisers but also in terms of the number of clients. Women do control roughly a quarter of all the wealth of the occidental world. Women earnings are also increasing at a higher rate than that of men and this is true in almost all the countries of the world. Women have also more degrees than men which could lead them to even faster earnings rise in the next future. It is also worth noting that 40% of women earn an income equal to or greater than their husband. So there is no doubt that the potential for more and more female clients for financial advisers worldwide is not a possibility but much more something certain. However, when we look at current statistics about financial advisors clients we see that a large majority of clients are males. But there is another interesting aspect of this topic: looking at the side of financial advisors themselves. What we find is that more than 80% of financial advisors are men. So basically we find the same proportion of men and women on both sides of the client/advisor relationship. These numbers mean that many women have money but do not use financial advisors but also that few women end up being a financial adviser. One of the reasons behind this lack of women in the financial advisory industry is that many more men study Finance in university.

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